Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Photoshop Tutorial Part 1: Photoshop Shortcut for efficient Work Flow [tool, file, edit]


Photoshop Tutorial Part 1: Photoshop Shortcut for efficient Work Flow 

We are going to look at the some of the Photoshop shortcut that is provided to us as a default setting. User can customize their shortcut setting if they like, but we will go over the default setting first. We are going to cover shortcut in tool, file, edit, image, select, layer, type, filter, view, window, and few useful shortcut. 

In Photoshop Shortcut Tutorial Part 1, we will go over tool, file, and edit.

Using shortcut will save lots of time while you doing projects in Photoshop. So if you are not familiar with these shortcut, take some time to get used to these Photoshop shortcuts. 

Study these shortcut now and we will start to discover other shortcut in the later post. 

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