Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sketchup Tutorial Part 1 - Understanding the Basic

Customize your Toolbars

This tutorial is just covers the very basic elements in Sketchup.

You might have series of toolbar if you are using ruby plugins, but this time, we are only covering toolbar that is given to us from Sketchup.

How to add or remove your Toolbars

1. View > Toolbar
   : You can add many toolbar as you desires but many of them are redundant.

We will start off with showing how to customize and placing Sketchup toolbar for your personal preferences for modeling. You can always able to going back to your original setting by clicking Restore Toolbar Position.

Save your Toolbar Setting
View > Toolbars > Save Toolbar Positions

Restore your Toolbar Setting
View > Toolbars > Restore Toolbar Positions

* Note: If you have your preferable Toolbar setting before customizing, please Save your Toolbar setting by clicking Save Toolbar Position. It will take you to this saved setting if you clicking Restore Toolbar Position.

Now let's go over Toolbar selections, as I have stated, many of Toolbars are redundant. In addition,
we normally open up the all the Toolbars on the screen because it will take up your working spaces.
Since we are talking about the working space, I will show you the way to maximize your working spaces with simple click.

*Note: This will be only applies to who makes their Toolbars setup in "Large Buttons"

Make your Toolbar Buttons smaller
View > Toolbars > Large Buttons [maker sure Large Buttons are unchecked]

IMG.1 Large Buttons are Disabled

IMG.2 Large Buttons are enabled

IMG.3 Red box showing working space when Large Buttons are disabled 

As you can see it from above IMG.3, you can see working space is little bit bigger if you are disable the Large Buttons.

 Now, all the Toolbars can be moved and placed wherever you prefer. You simply have to click left mouse button and drag. This remove your Toolbar from the Menu and appear like a popup boxes (IMG.4).  You can place these Toolbars to the specific location or putting it into Menu. Overtime, base on your needs, you will be able to come up the best Toolbar setting just for yourself.

In this Tutorial covers:

1. How to add/remove Toolbars from Skecthup
2. How to save/restore Toolbars from Sketchup
3. How to maximize working space: Disable Large Buttons in Toolbars 
4. How to customize your Toolbars from Sketchup

It is very basic and seems not much important. However, it is very effective overtime especially if you are working big projects. Having customized setting will save you lots of time during working on the project. Therefore, build your own Toolbar settings overtime.

Contact us if you have any question. 

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